One Dish Meal ~ Beef Cubes with Root Vegetables

I love to have some easy one-dish meals ready to make for supper.  This one is so savory and smells wonderful as it simmers on the stove. 

Root Veggies

Beef Cubes with Root Vegetables

1 lb grass-fed beef cubes, locally preferred

1 turnip

2 – 3 carrots

2 large red potatoes

3 cloves of garlic

2 t. Kelp seasoning

1 T Frontier Organic Onion & Herb seasoning

Salt to taste

1/4 c grass fed butter

1/4 cup coconut oil

2 handfuls of swiss chard and/or kale

Brown beef cubes in butter and coconut oil.  Season with the Kelp, onion, and salt.  Peel and cut up the turnip and carrots.  Cut up the potatoes with the skins on and smash the cloves of garlic.  Add the vegetables to the pan with the beef.  Toss.  Add 4 cups homemade beef broth

( I use my previously frozen beef broth cubes in my quart freezer bag.) 

Cook on med/high till vegetables are soft then let simmer until ready to serve.

Ten minutes before serving.  toss in the swiss chard/kale and season with salt.  Let it cook down and then serve in large soup bowl with some gluten-free rolls.  Enjoy!




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