Crock pot meals for a week – Monday
A few people have asked me about making gluten-free meals in the crock pot so I am posting a few of my favorites plus a few new recipes. A week’s worth of gluten-free crock pot meals…my family was excited.
I started out Monday with a Crock Pot Beef Roast with potatoes and carrots. Now, for a true crock pot meal, it should be a “put the food in the crock pot in the morning and leave” type of meal. But I did add the carrots and potatoes later in the day so they wouldn’t get all mushy!
Beef Roast with Potatoes & Carrots
1 T Frontier’s Organic Adobo seasoning
1 T Frontier’s Onion & Herb seasoning
1 t Trader Joe’s Garlic Powder
2 t Celtic Sea Salt
4 cloves of garlic, smashed
1 onion, quartered
I started out with a 4 lb shoulder roast, you can use chuck or round too.
8 am ~ I rubbed the seasonings all over the roast, then added 1 cup of water and 1 T vinegar, the garlic cloves and onions to the crock pot and laid the seasoned roast on top and turned it on Low for 10 hours.
2 pm ~ I peeled 6 carrots and about 10 red skinned small potatoes and put them in the broth to cook.
6pm ~ Suppertime! I got the tender beef roast out with the potatoes and carrots, ladled the broth into a small saucepan and turned it on High. Then I put 1 T Arrowroot powder with another ladle of broth, poured it into the saucepan and whisked until it thickened up. Yummy gravy for the beef roast and potatoes!
Wonderful, wonderful meal and it smelled good all day!
Tomorrow’s meal…Bacon Apple Chicken!