So what do you do with tomatoes when you’ve already canned 3 batches of soup, and made salsa? Well, when you have a dehydrator, you slice them up and dehydrate! You simply cut
Oh How Good It Is by Keith & Kristen Getty 1. Oh how good it is When the family of God Dwells together in spirit In faith and unity. Where the bonds of peace, Of acceptance and love Are the fruit
Well, the tomatoes keep on coming, so today I decided to can some tomato soup! Our family loves Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese sandwiches for Sunday lunch. So here’s the recipe I used from
This week was a week of canning in my kitchen! My parents picked peaches this week and dropped off a basket, my tomatoes produced at a tremendous rate, and my grape vine was ready to be picked. So
Saturday was pickle relish day. After picking some large cucumbers at a friends house and then at my house I decided to can some pickle relish. My peppers were ready, the banana pepper plant was
This is a new thing for me, fruit butters, but I’m excited to try! I did not have Lavender so I used Chocolate Mint Tea that was growing in my garden. It smells so yummy! This recipe, like
My mom brought a box of apricots home from Lancaster and they are ripe for canning! The recipe I used this time is from I wanted to can my apricots with honey this time